Source code for pyrr.vector

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Common Vector manipulation functions.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
from .utils import all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays, parameters_as_numpy_arrays

[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def normalize(vec): """normalizes an Nd list of vectors or a single vector to unit length. The vector is **not** changed in place. For zero-length vectors, the result will be np.nan. :param numpy.array vec: an Nd array with the final dimension being vectors :: numpy.array([ x, y, z ]) Or an NxM array:: numpy.array([ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2] ]). :rtype: numpy.array :return: The normalized vector/s """ # calculate the length # this is a duplicate of length(vec) because we # always want an array, even a 0-d array. return (vec.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(vec**2,axis=-1))).T
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def normalise(vec): # TODO: mark as deprecated """normalizes an Nd list of vectors or a single vector to unit length. The vector is **not** changed in place. For zero-length vectors, the result will be np.nan. :param numpy.array vec: an Nd array with the final dimension being vectors :: numpy.array([ x, y, z ]) Or an NxM array:: numpy.array([ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2] ]). :rtype: numpy.array :return: The normalized vector/s """ # calculate the length # this is a duplicate of length(vec) because we # always want an array, even a 0-d array. return (vec.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(vec**2,axis=-1))).T
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def squared_length(vec): """Calculates the squared length of a vector. Useful when trying to avoid the performance penalty of a square root operation. :param numpy.array vec: An Nd numpy.array. :rtype: np.array :return: The squared length of vec, if a 1D vector is input, the result will be a scalar. If a Matrix is input, the result will be a row vector, with each element representing the squared length along the matrix's corresponding row. """ lengths = np.sum(vec ** 2., axis=-1) return lengths
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def length(vec): """Returns the length of an Nd list of vectors or a single vector. :param numpy.array vec: an Nd array with the final dimension being size 3 (a vector). Single vector:: numpy.array([ x, y, z ]) Nd array:: numpy.array([ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2] ]). :rtype: np.array :return: The length of vec, if a 1D vector is input, the result will be a scalar. If a Matrix is input, the result will be a row vector, with each element representing the length along the matrix's corresponding row. """ return np.sqrt(np.sum(vec**2,axis=-1))
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('vec') def set_length(vec, len): """Renormalizes an Nd list of vectors or a single vector to 'length'. The vector is **not** changed in place. :param numpy.array vec: an Nd array with the final dimension being size 3 (a vector). Single vector:: numpy.array([ x, y, z ]) Nd array:: numpy.array([ [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2] ]). :rtype: numpy.array :return: A renormalized copy of vec, normalized according to its the last axis. If a vector is input, the result is a vector. If a Matrix is input, the result will be a Matrix, with each row renormalized to a length of len. """ # calculate the length # this is a duplicate of length(vec) because we # always want an array, even a 0-d array. return (vec.T / np.sqrt(np.sum(vec**2,axis=-1)) * len).T
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def dot(v1, v2): """Calculates the dot product of two vectors. :param numpy.array v1: an Nd array with the final dimension being size 3. (a vector) :param numpy.array v2: an Nd array with the final dimension being size 3 (a vector) :rtype: numpy.array :return: The resulting dot product. If a 1d array was passed, it will be a scalar. Otherwise the result will be an array of scalars storing the dot product of corresponding rows. """ return np.sum(v1 * v2, axis=-1)
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('v1', 'v2') def interpolate(v1, v2, delta): """Interpolates between 2 arrays of vectors (shape = N,3) by the specified delta (0.0 <= delta <= 1.0). :param numpy.array v1: an Nd array with the final dimension being size 3. (a vector) :param numpy.array v2: an Nd array with the final dimension being size 3. (a vector) :param float delta: The interpolation percentage to apply, where 0.0 <= delta <= 1.0. When delta is 0.0, the result will be v1. When delta is 1.0, the result will be v2. Values in between will be an interpolation. :rtype: numpy.array :return: The result of intperpolation between v1 and v2 """ # scale the difference based on the time # we must do it this 'unreadable' way to avoid # loss of precision. # the 'readable' method (f_now = f_0 + (f1 - f0) * delta) # causes floating point errors due to the small values used # in md2 files and the values become corrupted. # this horrible code curtousey of this comment: # return v1 + ((v2 - v1) * delta) #return v1 * (1.0 - delta ) + v2 * delta t = delta t0 = 0.0 t1 = 1.0 delta_t = t1 - t0 return (t1 - t) / delta_t * v1 + (t - t0) / delta_t * v2