Source code for pyrr.quaternion

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Provide functions for the creation and manipulation of Quaternions.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
from . import vector, vector3, vector4, euler
from .utils import all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays, parameters_as_numpy_arrays

[docs]class index: #: The index of the X value within the quaternion x = 0 #: The index of the Y value within the quaternion y = 1 #: The index of the Z value within the quaternion z = 2 #: The index of the W value within the quaternion w = 3
[docs]def create(x=0., y=0., z=0., w=1., dtype=None): return np.array([x, y, z, w], dtype=dtype)
[docs]def create_from_x_rotation(theta, dtype=None): thetaOver2 = theta * 0.5 return np.array( [ np.sin(thetaOver2), 0.0, 0.0, np.cos(thetaOver2) ], dtype=dtype )
[docs]def create_from_y_rotation(theta, dtype=None): thetaOver2 = theta * 0.5 return np.array( [ 0.0, np.sin(thetaOver2), 0.0, np.cos(thetaOver2) ], dtype=dtype )
[docs]def create_from_z_rotation(theta, dtype=None): thetaOver2 = theta * 0.5 return np.array( [ 0.0, 0.0, np.sin(thetaOver2), np.cos(thetaOver2) ], dtype=dtype )
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('axis') def create_from_axis_rotation(axis, theta, dtype=None): dtype = dtype or axis.dtype # make sure the vector is normalized if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(axis), 1.): axis = vector.normalize(axis) thetaOver2 = theta * 0.5 sinThetaOver2 = np.sin(thetaOver2) return np.array( [ sinThetaOver2 * axis[0], sinThetaOver2 * axis[1], sinThetaOver2 * axis[2], np.cos(thetaOver2) ], dtype=dtype )
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('axis') def create_from_axis(axis, dtype=None): dtype = dtype or axis.dtype theta = np.linalg.norm(axis) return create_from_axis_rotation(axis, theta, dtype)
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('mat') def create_from_matrix(mat, dtype=None): # # optimised "alternative version" does not produce correct results # see issue #42 dtype = dtype or mat.dtype trace = mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2] if trace > 0: s = 0.5 / np.sqrt(trace + 1.0) qx = (mat[2][1] - mat[1][2]) * s qy = (mat[0][2] - mat[2][0]) * s qz = (mat[1][0] - mat[0][1]) * s qw = 0.25 / s elif mat[0][0] > mat[1][1] and mat[0][0] > mat[2][2]: s = 2.0 * np.sqrt(1.0 + mat[0][0] - mat[1][1] - mat[2][2]) qx = 0.25 * s qy = (mat[0][1] + mat[1][0]) / s qz = (mat[0][2] + mat[2][0]) / s qw = (mat[2][1] - mat[1][2]) / s elif mat[1][1] > mat[2][2]: s = 2.0 * np.sqrt(1.0 + mat[1][1] - mat[0][0] - mat[2][2]) qx = (mat[0][1] + mat[1][0]) / s qy = 0.25 * s qz = (mat[1][2] + mat[2][1]) / s qw = (mat[0][2] - mat[2][0]) / s else: s = 2.0 * np.sqrt(1.0 + mat[2][2] - mat[0][0] - mat[1][1]) qx = (mat[0][2] + mat[2][0]) / s qy = (mat[1][2] + mat[2][1]) / s qz = 0.25 * s qw = (mat[1][0] - mat[0][1]) / s quat = np.array([qx, qy, qz, qw], dtype=dtype) return quat
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('eulers') def create_from_eulers(eulers, dtype=None): """Creates a quaternion from a set of Euler angles. Eulers are an array of length 3 in the following order: [roll, pitch, yaw] """ dtype = dtype or eulers.dtype roll, pitch, yaw = euler.roll(eulers), euler.pitch(eulers), euler.yaw(eulers) halfRoll = roll * 0.5 sR = np.sin(halfRoll) cR = np.cos(halfRoll) halfPitch = pitch * 0.5 sP = np.sin(halfPitch) cP = np.cos(halfPitch) halfYaw = yaw * 0.5 sY = np.sin(halfYaw) cY = np.cos(halfYaw) return np.array( [ (sR * cP * cY) + (cR * sP * sY), (cR * sP * cY) - (sR * cP * sY), (cR * cP * sY) + (sR * sP * cY), (cR * cP * cY) - (sR * sP * sY), ], dtype=dtype )
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('eulers') def create_from_inverse_of_eulers(eulers, dtype=None): """Creates a quaternion from the inverse of a set of Euler angles. Eulers are an array of length 3 in the following order: [roll, pitch, yaw] """ dtype = dtype or eulers.dtype roll, pitch, yaw = euler.roll(eulers), euler.pitch(eulers), euler.yaw(eulers) halfRoll = roll * 0.5 sinRoll = np.sin(halfRoll) cosRoll = np.cos(halfRoll) halfPitch = pitch * 0.5 sinPitch = np.sin(halfPitch) cosPitch = np.cos(halfPitch) halfYaw = yaw * 0.5 sinYaw = np.sin(halfYaw) cosYaw = np.cos(halfYaw) return np.array( [ # x = cy * sp * cr + sy * cp * sr (cosYaw * sinPitch * cosRoll) + (sinYaw * cosPitch * sinRoll), # y = -cy * sp * sr + sy * cp * cr (-cosYaw * sinPitch * sinRoll) + (sinYaw * cosPitch * cosRoll), # z = -sy * sp * cr + cy * cp * sr (-sinYaw * sinPitch * cosRoll) + (cosYaw * cosPitch * sinRoll), # w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr (cosYaw * cosPitch * cosRoll) + (sinYaw * sinPitch * sinRoll) ], dtype=dtype )
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def cross(quat1, quat2): """Returns the cross-product of the two quaternions. Quaternions are **not** communicative. Therefore, order is important. This is NOT the same as a vector cross-product. Quaternion cross-product is the equivalent of matrix multiplication. """ q1x, q1y, q1z, q1w = quat1 q2x, q2y, q2z, q2w = quat2 return np.array( [ q1x * q2w + q1y * q2z - q1z * q2y + q1w * q2x, -q1x * q2z + q1y * q2w + q1z * q2x + q1w * q2y, q1x * q2y - q1y * q2x + q1z * q2w + q1w * q2z, -q1x * q2x - q1y * q2y - q1z * q2z + q1w * q2w, ], dtype=quat1.dtype )
[docs]def lerp(quat1, quat2, t): """Interpolates between quat1 and quat2 by t. The parameter t is clamped to the range [0, 1] """ quat1 = np.asarray(quat1) quat2 = np.asarray(quat2) t = np.clip(t, 0, 1) return normalize(quat1 * (1 - t) + quat2 * t)
[docs]def slerp(quat1, quat2, t): """Spherically interpolates between quat1 and quat2 by t. The parameter t is clamped to the range [0, 1] """ quat1 = np.asarray(quat1) quat2 = np.asarray(quat2) t = np.clip(t, 0, 1) dot =, quat2) if dot < 0.0: dot = -dot quat3 = -quat2 else: quat3 = quat2 if dot < 0.95: angle = np.arccos(dot) res = (quat1 * np.sin(angle * (1 - t)) + quat3 * np.sin(angle * t)) / np.sin(angle) else: res = lerp(quat1, quat2, t) return res
[docs]def is_zero_length(quat): """Checks if a quaternion is zero length. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to check. :rtype: boolean. :return: True if the quaternion is zero length, otherwise False. """ return quat[0] == quat[1] == quat[2] == quat[3] == 0.0
[docs]def is_non_zero_length(quat): """Checks if a quaternion is not zero length. This is the opposite to 'is_zero_length'. This is provided for readability. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to check. :rtype: boolean :return: False if the quaternion is zero length, otherwise True. .. seealso:: is_zero_length """ return not is_zero_length(quat)
[docs]def squared_length(quat): """Calculates the squared length of a quaternion. Useful for avoiding the performanc penalty of the square root function. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to measure. :rtype: float, numpy.array :return: If a 1d array was passed, it will be a scalar. Otherwise the result will be an array of scalars with shape vec.ndim with the last dimension being size 1. """ return vector4.squared_length(quat)
[docs]def length(quat): """Calculates the length of a quaternion. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to measure. :rtype: float, numpy.array :return: If a 1d array was passed, it will be a scalar. Otherwise the result will be an array of scalars with shape vec.ndim with the last dimension being size 1. """ return vector4.length(quat)
[docs]def normalize(quat): """Ensure a quaternion is unit length (length ~= 1.0). The quaternion is **not** changed in place. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to normalize. :rtype: numpy.array :return: The normalized quaternion(s). """ return vector4.normalize(quat)
[docs]def normalise(quat): # TODO: mark as deprecated """Ensure a quaternion is unit length (length ~= 1.0). The quaternion is **not** changed in place. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to normalize. :rtype: numpy.array :return: The normalized quaternion(s). """ return vector4.normalize(quat)
[docs]def rotation_angle(quat): """Calculates the rotation around the quaternion's axis. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion. :rtype: float. :return: The quaternion's rotation about the its axis in radians. """ # extract the W component thetaOver2 = np.arccos(quat[3]) return thetaOver2 * 2.0
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def rotation_axis(quat): """Calculates the axis of the quaternion's rotation. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion. :rtype: numpy.array. :return: The quaternion's rotation axis. """ # extract W component sinThetaOver2Sq = 1.0 - (quat[3] ** 2) # check for zero before we sqrt if sinThetaOver2Sq <= 0.0: # identity quaternion or numerical imprecision. # return a valid vector # we'll treat -Z as the default return np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0], dtype=quat.dtype) oneOverSinThetaOver2 = 1.0 / np.sqrt(sinThetaOver2Sq) # we use the x,y,z values return np.array( [ quat[0] * oneOverSinThetaOver2, quat[1] * oneOverSinThetaOver2, quat[2] * oneOverSinThetaOver2 ], dtype=quat.dtype )
[docs]def dot(quat1, quat2): """Calculate the dot product of quaternions. This is the same as a vector dot product. :param numpy.array quat1: The first quaternion(s). :param numpy.array quat2: The second quaternion(s). :rtype: float, numpy.array :return: If a 1d array was passed, it will be a scalar. Otherwise the result will be an array of scalars with shape vec.ndim with the last dimension being size 1. """ return, quat2)
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def conjugate(quat): """Calculates a quaternion with the opposite rotation. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion. :rtype: numpy.array. :return: A quaternion representing the conjugate. """ # invert x,y,z and leave w as is return np.array( [ -quat[0], -quat[1], -quat[2], quat[3] ], dtype=quat.dtype )
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('quat') def exp(quat): """Calculate the exponential of the quaternion :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion. :rtype: numpy.array. :return: The exponential of the quaternion """ e = np.exp(quat[3]) vector_norm = np.linalg.norm(quat[:3]) if np.isclose(vector_norm, 0): return np.array( [0, 0, 0, e], dtype = quat.dtype ) s = np.sin(vector_norm) / vector_norm return e * np.array( [ quat[0] * s, quat[1] * s, quat[2] * s, np.cos(vector_norm), ], dtype = quat.dtype )
[docs]@parameters_as_numpy_arrays('quat') def power(quat, exponent): """Multiplies the quaternion by the exponent. The quaternion is **not** changed in place. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion. :param float scalar: The exponent. :rtype: numpy.array. :return: A quaternion representing the original quaternion to the specified power. """ # check for identify quaternion if np.fabs(quat[3]) > 0.9999: # assert for the time being assert False print("rotation axis was identity") return quat alpha = np.arccos(quat[3]) newAlpha = alpha * exponent multi = np.sin(newAlpha) / np.sin(alpha) return np.array( [ quat[0] * multi, quat[1] * multi, quat[2] * multi, np.cos(newAlpha) ], dtype=quat.dtype )
[docs]def inverse(quat): """Calculates the inverse quaternion. The inverse of a quaternion is defined as the conjugate of the quaternion divided by the magnitude of the original quaternion. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion to invert. :rtype: numpy.array. :return: The inverse of the quaternion. """ return conjugate(quat) / length(quat)
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def negate(quat): """Calculates the negated quaternion. This is essentially the quaternion * -1.0. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion. :rtype: numpy.array :return: The negated quaternion. """ return quat * -1.0
[docs]def is_identity(quat): return np.allclose(quat, [0.,0.,0.,1.])
[docs]@all_parameters_as_numpy_arrays def apply_to_vector(quat, vec): """Rotates a vector by a quaternion. :param numpy.array quat: The quaternion. :param numpy.array vec: The vector. :rtype: numpy.array :return: The vector rotated by the quaternion. :raise ValueError: raised if the vector is an unsupported size """ def apply(quat, vec4): result = cross(quat, cross(vec4, conjugate(quat))) return result if vec.size == 3: # convert to vector4 # ignore w component by setting it to 0. vec = np.array([vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], 0.0], dtype=vec.dtype) vec = apply(quat, vec) vec = vec[:3] return vec elif vec.size == 4: vec = apply(quat, vec) return vec else: raise ValueError("Vector size unsupported")