Source code for pyrr.objects.vector4

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Represents a 4 dimensional Vector.

The Vector4 class provides a number of convenient functions and

    import numpy as np
    from pyrr import Quaternion, Matrix33, Matrix44, Vector4

    v = Vector4()
    v = Vector4([1.,2.,3.])

    # explicit creation
    v = Vector4.from_vector3(Vector3([1.,2.,3.]), w=1.0)

    # copy constructor
    v = Vector4(Vector4())

    # add / subtract vectors
    v = Vector4([1.,2.,3.,4.]) + Vector4([4.,5.,6.,7.])

    # rotate a vector by a Matrix
    v = Matrix44.identity() * Vector4([1.,2.,3.,4.])

    # rotate a vector by a Quaternion
    v = Quaternion() * Vector4([1.,2.,3.,4.])

    # get the dot-product of 2 vectors
    d = Vector4([1.,0.,0.,0.]) | Vector4([0.,1.,0.,0.])

    # access specific parts of the vector
    # x value
    x,y,z,w = v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w

    # access groups of values as np.ndarray's
    xy = v.xy
    xyz =
    xyzw = v.xyzw
    xz = v.xz
    xw = v.xw
    xyw = v.xyw
    xzw = v.xzw
from __future__ import absolute_import
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from multipledispatch import dispatch
from .base import BaseObject, BaseVector4, BaseMatrix44, NpProxy
from .. import vector4

# TODO: add < <= > >= == != operators

[docs]class Vector4(BaseVector4): _module = vector4 _shape = (4,) #: The X value of this Vector. x = NpProxy(0) #: The Y value of this Vector. y = NpProxy(1) #: The Z value of this Vector. z = NpProxy(2) #: The W value of this Vector. w = NpProxy(3) #: The X,Y values of this Vector as a numpy.ndarray. xy = NpProxy([0,1]) #: The X,Y,Z values of this Vector as a numpy.ndarray. xyz = NpProxy([0,1,2]) #: The X,Y,Z,W values of this Vector as a numpy.ndarray. xyzw = NpProxy(slice(0,4)) #: The X,Z values of this Vector as a numpy.ndarray. xz = NpProxy([0,2]) #: The X,W values of this Vector as a numpy.ndarray. xw = NpProxy([0,3]) #: The X,Y,W values of this Vector as a numpy.ndarray. xyw = NpProxy([0,1,3]) #: The X,Z,W values of this Vector as a numpy.ndarray. xzw = NpProxy([0,2,3]) ######################## # Creation
[docs] @classmethod def from_vector3(cls, vector, w=0.0, dtype=None): """Create a Vector4 from a Vector3. By default, the W value is 0.0. """ return cls(vector4.create_from_vector3(vector, w, dtype))
def __new__(cls, value=None, dtype=None): if value is not None: obj = value if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): obj = np.array(value, dtype=dtype) # matrix44 if obj.shape in ((4,4,)) or isinstance(obj, BaseMatrix44): obj = vector4.create_from_matrix44_translation(obj, dtype=dtype) else: obj = np.zeros(cls._shape, dtype=dtype) obj = obj.view(cls) return super(Vector4, cls).__new__(cls, obj) ######################## # Basic Operators @dispatch(BaseObject) def __add__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('add', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __sub__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('subtract', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __mul__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('multiply', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __truediv__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('divide', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __div__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('divide', other) @dispatch((BaseObject, Number, np.number)) def __xor__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('XOR', other) @dispatch((BaseObject, Number, np.number)) def __or__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('OR', other) @dispatch((BaseObject, Number, np.number)) def __ne__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('NE', other) @dispatch((BaseObject, Number, np.number)) def __eq__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('EQ', other) ######################## # Vectors @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __add__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__add__(other)) @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __sub__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__sub__(other)) @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __mul__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__mul__(other)) @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __truediv__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__truediv__(other)) @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __div__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__div__(other)) #@dispatch(BaseVector) #def __xor__(self, other): # return self.cross(Vector4(other)) @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __or__(self, other): return @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __ne__(self, other): return bool(np.any(super(Vector4, self).__ne__(other))) @dispatch((BaseVector4, np.ndarray, list)) def __eq__(self, other): return bool(np.all(super(Vector4, self).__eq__(other))) ######################## # Number @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __add__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__add__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __sub__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__sub__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __mul__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__mul__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __truediv__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__truediv__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __div__(self, other): return Vector4(super(Vector4, self).__div__(other)) ######################## # Methods and Properties @property def inverse(self): """Returns the opposite of this vector. """ return Vector4(-self) @property def vector3(self): """Returns a Vector3 and the W component as a tuple. """ return (Vector3(self[:3]), self[3])
from .matrix44 import Matrix44 from .vector3 import Vector3