Source code for pyrr.objects.matrix44

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Represents a 4x4 Matrix.

The Matrix44 class provides a number of convenient functions and

    import numpy as np
    from pyrr import Quaternion, Matrix33, Matrix44, Vector4

    m = Matrix44()
    m = Matrix44([[1.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,1.]])

    # copy constructor
    m = Matrix44(Matrix44())

    # explicit creation
    m = Matrix44.identity()
    m = Matrix44.from_matrix44(Matrix44())

    # inferred conversions
    m = Matrix44(Quaternion())
    m = Matrix44(Matrix33())

    # multiply matricies together
    m = Matrix44() * Matrix44()

    # extract a quaternion from a matrix
    q = m.quaternion

    # convert from quaternion back to matrix
    m = q.matrix44
    m = Matrix44(q)

    # rotate a matrix by a quaternion
    m = Matrix44.identity() * Quaternion()

    # rotate a vector 4 by a matrix
    v = Matrix44.from_x_rotation(np.pi) * Vector4([1.,2.,3.,1.])

    # undo a rotation
    m = Matrix44.from_x_rotation(np.pi)
    v = m * Vector4([1.,1.,1.,1.])
    # ~m is the same as m.inverse
    v = ~m * v

    # access specific parts of the matrix
    # first row
    m1 = m.m1
    # first element, first row
    m11 = m.m11
    # fourth element, fourth row
    m44 = m.m44
    # first row, same as m1
    r1 = m.r1
    # first column
    c1 = m.c1
from __future__ import absolute_import
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from multipledispatch import dispatch
from .base import BaseObject, BaseMatrix, BaseMatrix44, BaseQuaternion, BaseVector, NpProxy
from .. import matrix44

[docs]class Matrix44(BaseMatrix44): _module = matrix44 _shape = (4,4,) # m<c> style access #: The first row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. m1 = NpProxy(0) #: The second row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. m2 = NpProxy(1) #: The third row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. m3 = NpProxy(2) #: The fourth row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. m4 = NpProxy(3) # m<r><c> access #: The [0,0] value of this Matrix. m11 = NpProxy((0,0)) #: The [0,1] value of this Matrix. m12 = NpProxy((0,1)) #: The [0,2] value of this Matrix. m13 = NpProxy((0,2)) #: The [0,3] value of this Matrix. m14 = NpProxy((0,3)) #: The [1,0] value of this Matrix. m21 = NpProxy((1,0)) #: The [1,1] value of this Matrix. m22 = NpProxy((1,1)) #: The [1,2] value of this Matrix. m23 = NpProxy((1,2)) #: The [1,3] value of this Matrix. m24 = NpProxy((1,3)) #: The [2,0] value of this Matrix. m31 = NpProxy((2,0)) #: The [2,1] value of this Matrix. m32 = NpProxy((2,1)) #: The [2,2] value of this Matrix. m33 = NpProxy((2,2)) #: The [2,3] value of this Matrix. m34 = NpProxy((2,3)) #: The [3,0] value of this Matrix. m41 = NpProxy((3,0)) #: The [3,1] value of this Matrix. m42 = NpProxy((3,1)) #: The [3,2] value of this Matrix. m43 = NpProxy((3,2)) #: The [3,3] value of this Matrix. m44 = NpProxy((3,3)) # rows #: The first row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. This is the same as m1. r1 = NpProxy(0) #: The second row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. This is the same as m2. r2 = NpProxy(1) #: The third row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. This is the same as m3. r3 = NpProxy(2) #: The fourth row of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. This is the same as m4. r4 = NpProxy(3) # columns #: The first column of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. c1 = NpProxy((slice(0,4),0)) #: The second column of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. c2 = NpProxy((slice(0,4),1)) #: The third column of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. c3 = NpProxy((slice(0,4),2)) #: The fourth column of this Matrix as a numpy.ndarray. c4 = NpProxy((slice(0,4),3)) ######################## # Creation
[docs] @classmethod def from_matrix33(cls, matrix, dtype=None): """Creates a Matrix44 from a Matrix33. """ return cls(matrix44.create_from_matrix33(matrix, dtype))
[docs] @classmethod def perspective_projection(cls, fovy, aspect, near, far, dtype=None): """Creates a Matrix44 for use as a perspective projection matrix. """ return cls(matrix44.create_perspective_projection(fovy, aspect, near, far, dtype))
[docs] @classmethod def perspective_projection_bounds(cls, left, right, top, bottom, near, far, dtype=None): """Creates a Matrix44 for use as a perspective projection matrix. """ return cls(matrix44.create_perspective_projection_from_bounds(left, right, top, bottom, near, far, dtype))
[docs] @classmethod def orthogonal_projection(cls, left, right, top, bottom, near, far, dtype=None): """Creates a Matrix44 for use as an orthogonal projection matrix. """ return cls(matrix44.create_orthogonal_projection(left, right, top, bottom, near, far, dtype))
[docs] @classmethod def look_at(cls, eye, target, up, dtype=None): """Creates a Matrix44 for use as a lookAt matrix. """ return cls(matrix44.create_look_at(eye, target, up, dtype))
[docs] @classmethod def from_translation(cls, translation, dtype=None): """Creates a Matrix44 from the specified translation. """ return cls(matrix44.create_from_translation(translation, dtype=dtype))
def __new__(cls, value=None, dtype=None): if value is not None: obj = value if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): obj = np.array(value, dtype=dtype) # matrix33 if obj.shape == (3,3) or isinstance(obj, Matrix33): obj = matrix44.create_from_matrix33(obj, dtype=dtype) # quaternion elif obj.shape == (4,) or isinstance(obj, Quaternion): obj = matrix44.create_from_quaternion(obj, dtype=dtype) else: obj = np.zeros(cls._shape, dtype=dtype) obj = obj.view(cls) return super(Matrix44, cls).__new__(cls, obj) ######################## # Basic Operators @dispatch(BaseObject) def __add__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('add', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __sub__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('subtract', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __mul__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('multiply', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __truediv__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('divide', other) @dispatch(BaseObject) def __div__(self, other): self._unsupported_type('divide', other) def __invert__(self): return self.inverse ######################## # Matrices @dispatch((BaseMatrix, np.ndarray, list)) def __add__(self, other): return Matrix44(super(Matrix44, self).__add__(Matrix44(other))) @dispatch((BaseMatrix, np.ndarray, list)) def __sub__(self, other): return Matrix44(super(Matrix44, self).__sub__(Matrix44(other))) @dispatch((BaseMatrix, np.ndarray, list)) def __mul__(self, other): return Matrix44(matrix44.multiply(Matrix44(other), self)) @dispatch((BaseMatrix, np.ndarray, list)) def __ne__(self, other): return bool(np.any(super(Matrix44, self).__ne__(other))) @dispatch((BaseMatrix, np.ndarray, list)) def __eq__(self, other): return bool(np.all(super(Matrix44, self).__eq__(other))) ######################## # Quaternions @dispatch(BaseQuaternion) def __mul__(self, other): m = other.matrix44 return self * m ######################## # Vectors @dispatch(BaseVector) def __mul__(self, other): return type(other)(matrix44.apply_to_vector(self, other)) ######################## # Number @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __add__(self, other): return Matrix44(super(Matrix44, self).__add__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __sub__(self, other): return Matrix44(super(Matrix44, self).__sub__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __mul__(self, other): return Matrix44(super(Matrix44, self).__mul__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __truediv__(self, other): return Matrix44(super(Matrix44, self).__truediv__(other)) @dispatch((Number, np.number)) def __div__(self, other): return Matrix44(super(Matrix44, self).__div__(other)) ######################## # Methods and Properties @property def matrix33(self): """Returns a Matrix33 representing this matrix. """ return Matrix33(self) @property def matrix44(self): """Returns the Matrix44. This can be handy if you're not sure what type of Matrix class you have but require a Matrix44. """ return self @property def quaternion(self): """Returns a Quaternion representing this matrix. """ return Quaternion(self)
[docs] def decompose(self): """Decomposes an affine transformation matrix into its scale, rotation and translation components. :param numpy.array m: A matrix. :return: tuple (scale, rotation, translation) Vector3 scale Quaternion rotation Vector3 translation """ scale, rotate, translate = matrix44.decompose(self) return Vector3(scale), Quaternion(rotate), Vector3(translate)
from .matrix33 import Matrix33 from .quaternion import Quaternion from .vector3 import Vector3