Geometric Tests

Defines a number of functions to test interactions between various forms data types.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_closest_point_on_line(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the point on the line that is closest to the specified point.

  • point (numpy.array) – The point to check with.
  • line (numpy.array) – The line to check against.
Return type:



The closest point on the line to the point.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_closest_point_on_line_segment(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the point on the line segment that is closest to the specified point.

This is similar to point_closest_point_on_line, except this is against the line segment of finite length. Whereas point_closest_point_on_line checks against a line of infinite length.

  • point (numpy.array) – The point to check with.
  • line_segment (numpy.array) – The finite line segment to check against.
Return type:



The closest point on the line segment to the point.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_closest_point_on_plane(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the point on a plane that is closest to a point.

  • point (numpy.array) – The point to check with.
  • plane (numpy.array) – The infinite plane to check against.
Return type:



The closest point on the plane to the point.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_closest_point_on_ray(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the point on a ray that is closest to a point.

  • point (numpy.array) – The point to check with.
  • ray (numpy.array) – The ray to check against.
Return type:



The closest point on the ray to the point.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_height_above_plane(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates how high a point is above a plane.

  • point (numpy.array) – The point to check.
  • plane (numpy.array) – The plane to check.
Return type:



The height above the plane as a float. The value will be negative if the point is behind the plane.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_intersect_line(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the intersection point of a point and aline.

Performed by checking if the cross-product of the point relative to the line is 0.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_intersect_line_segment(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the intersection point of a point and a line segment.

Performed by checking if the cross-product of the point relative to the line is 0 and if the dot product of the point relative to the line start AND the end point relative to the line start is less than the segment’s squared length.

pyrr.geometric_tests.point_intersect_rectangle(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the intersection point of a point and a 2D rectangle.

For 3D points, the Z axis will be ignored.

Returns:Returns True if the point is touching

or within the rectangle.

pyrr.geometric_tests.ray_coincident_ray(*args, **kwargs)

Check if rays are coincident.

Rays must not only be parallel to each other, but reside along the same vector.

Parameters:ray1, ray2 (numpy.array) – The rays to check.
Return type:boolean
Returns:Returns True if the two rays are co-incident.
pyrr.geometric_tests.ray_intersect_aabb(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the intersection point of a ray and an AABB

  • ray1 (numpy.array) – The ray to check.
  • aabb (numpy.array) – The Axis-Aligned Bounding Box to check against.
Return type:



Returns a vector if an intersection occurs. Returns None if no intersection occurs.

pyrr.geometric_tests.ray_intersect_plane(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the intersection point of a ray and a plane.

  • ray (numpy.array) – The ray to test for intersection.
  • plane (numpy.array) – The ray to test for intersection.
  • front_only (boolean) – Specifies if the ray should

only hit the front of the plane. Collisions from the rear of the plane will be ignored.

:return The intersection point, or None if the ray is parallel to the plane. Returns None if the ray intersects the back of the plane and front_only is True.

pyrr.geometric_tests.ray_parallel_ray(*args, **kwargs)

Checks if two rays are parallel.

Parameters:ray1, ray2 (numpy.array) – The rays to check.
Return type:boolean
Returns:Returns True if the two rays are parallel.
pyrr.geometric_tests.sphere_does_intersect_sphere(*args, **kwargs)

Checks if two spheres overlap.

Note: This will return True if the two spheres are touching perfectly but sphere_penetration_sphere will return 0.0 as the touch but don’t penetrate.

This is faster than circle_penetrate_amount_circle as it avoids a square root calculation.

  • s1 (numpy.array) – The first circle.
  • s2 (numpy.array) – The second circle.
Return type:



Returns True if the circles overlap. Otherwise, returns False.

pyrr.geometric_tests.sphere_penetration_sphere(*args, **kwargs)

Calculates the distance two spheres have penetrated into one another.

  • s1 (numpy.array) – The first circle.
  • s2 (numpy.array) – The second circle.
Return type:



The total overlap of the two spheres. This is essentially: r1 + r2 - distance Where r1 and r2 are the radii of circle 1 and 2 and distance is the length of the vector p2 - p1. Will return 0.0 if the circles do not overlap.

pyrr.geometric_tests.vector_parallel_vector(*args, **kwargs)

Checks if two vectors are parallel.

Parameters:v1, v2 (numpy.array) – The vectors to check.
Return type:boolean
Returns:Returns True if the two vectors are parallel.