
Provide functions for the trigonometric functions.

pyrr.trig.aspect_ratio(width, height)
pyrr.trig.calculate_fov(zoom, height=1.0)

Calculates the required FOV to set the view frustrum to have a view with the specified height at the specified distance.

  • zoom (float) – The distance to calculate the FOV for.
  • height (float) – The desired view height at the specified distance. The default is 1.0.
Return type:

A float representing the FOV to use in degrees.

pyrr.trig.calculate_height(fov, zoom)

Performs the opposite of calculate_fov. Used to find the current height at a specific distance.

  • fov (float) – The current FOV.
  • zoom (float) – The distance to calculate the height for.
Return type:

A float representing the height at the specified distance for the specified FOV.

pyrr.trig.calculate_plane_size(aspect_ratio, fov, distance)

Calculates the width and height of a plane at the specified distance using the FOV of the frustrum and aspect ratio of the viewport.

  • aspect_ratio (float) – The aspect ratio of the viewport.
  • fov (float) – The FOV of the frustrum.
  • distance (float) – The distance from the origin/camera of the plane to calculate.
Return type:

A tuple of two floats: width and height: The width and height of the plane.

pyrr.trig.calculate_zoom(fov, height=1.0)

Calculates the zoom (distance) from the camera with the specified FOV and height of image.

  • fov (float) – The FOV to use.
  • height (float) – The height of the image at the desired distance.
Return type:

A float representing the zoom (distance) from the camera for the desired height at the specified FOV.


ZeroDivisionError – Raised if the fov is 0.0.